-Grain-free dog food recommendationHemp Foods Australia Certified Organic Hemp Seeds (Hulled) 114g

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A complete grain free protein with minerals, vitamins and fibre.

High quality ingredients - ACO Certified Organic, Dairy Free, Wheat free, GMO free and Vegan Friendly.

Naturally contains all 10 essential amino acids plus 14 fatty acids including Omega 3-6-9, CLA, GLA and SDA which are important for beautiful skin, healthy bones and supple joints. Excellent for dry hair and skin when used in a body cream or scrub.

Mild, creamy nutty flavour - Great for salads, smoothies, toppings and more.

No chemicals added or additives. 

Hemp Seeds:

  • 2000mg of Omega 3 per spoonful
  • 6400mg of ‘complete’ protein per spoonful
  • Contains all 10 essential amino acids
  • Source of vitamins & minerals including iron, folate, calcium, vitamin E
  • Excellent source of raw oils & essential fatty acids

Made in Australia from imported ingredients, seeds grown in Canada and Northern China.

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