This is your luxury home for pets. We design products with both you and your fur family in mind, ensuring that you feel confident with our creative style and beautiful, quality products.
K9-Turf is an organic-based pet-friendly granular fertilizer that will repair & prevent burn spots caused by dog urine. Our fertilizer works by reconditioning your lawns' soil with millions of microbes and enzymes that combat the concentrated nitrogen content balancing the PH levels in the soil. The nitrogen in dog urine (Urea) can be beneficial to grass but the high concentration in dog urine is too high and burns the root system completely killing the grass in those spots. The microbes and enzymes in K9-Turf Fertilizer will break down the high nitrogen content keeping the soil PH levels balanced, and stopping burn spots from occurring. Using K9-Turf Fertilizer will recondition your soil building a healthier stronger root system that will produce a thicker more lush lawn, there is no need to use any other fertilizer when using K9-Turf. Each bag of fertilizer covers up to 3,000 square feet and should be applied every 4 weeks.
Eliminates pet urine spots
Helps your grass stay green
Prevents new spots from developing
Prevents and restores burn spots caused by Dog Urine by helping balance PH in soils and building a stronger root system
Complete lawn fertilizer and turf builder for thicker, greener lawns
Helps restore and grow grass under pine trees/covers 2500-3000 Square Feet
Safe in areas frequented by children and pets; Over 90% Organic