Priefert’s sliding action Alley Gate not only lends structural support to an alley, but it is also a great blocking gate. This gate functions as a sliding gate and features a sheeted bottom. Designed for use with a 25” wide alley, six chain connectors on the frame secure the AG to the alley panels. This product features an Architectural Grade Powder Coat finish to help it resist rust and scratching, while UV inhibitors in the powder help the AG resist fading, ensuring that your product holds up well and looks great for many years to come.
- This Alley Gate functions as a sliding gate and is partially sheeted.
- The AG works as a great blocking gate in alley ways and also provides structural support to the alley.
- When used with Premier Panels, helps maintain a 25” wide alley.
- A total of 6 chain connections are used to secure the AG to the alley panels.
- Architectural Grade Powder Coat Finish with UV inhibitors add years of life to your investment by helping the product resist rust, scratches and fading.